Image by Alexander Andrews Unsplash
Poetry by Newark Academy senior Elizabeth Hawk ’19.
3,000 Miles Away
I can hear the wind in California
Crackling through the phone.
Carried to me through threads
Of bouncing information
On waves into my ear
But I can’t think about this now
I can hear our friend crying
Static through the phone.
As she holds up behind you
Begging you to ‘listen’
And it feels like i’m behind you
As I pace around my room
And my body’s shaking
Like I can feel the cold
3,000 miles away
I can hear your shaky breath from california
Information traveling through vibrations
But I can’t think about this now
Because my mouth needs to make the sounds
And on that rooftop in california
You hear my shaky voice
Brought by beads of flying information
Traveling through vibrations
Into your ears
And my voice crackles through the speakers
As I beg of you to hear
So beads of information
Travel through vibrations
so you can hear me say
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