Soven Bery
Columnist, The Bleacher Report, 2013.
Producer & writer, The Locker Room.
Occasional contributor to The Star Ledger, India Abroad, Yahoo!, GronkNation, SportSpyder, Ongo, FanIQ, and The Patch.
Amy Chen
Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (personal essay), 2015.
Tommy Damiano
Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (poetry), 2014.
Hernell Gabriel
Letters about Literature Contest Honorable Mention, 2012.
Amani Garvin
“Why I Pray on My Knees” (poetry), The Apprentice Writer, fall 2014.
“Christian in a Masjid” (poetry), Cicada Magazine, May/June 2014.
Laurel Gupton
“It Tasted Like Pennies” (poetry), Almost 5/Q blog, August 2014.
Daniel Kwaitkowski
Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key (flash fiction), 2015.
Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (poetry), 2015.
Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (personal essay & flash fiction), 2015.
“Expecting Rain” (poetry), Cicada Magazine, January/February 2014.
“Coming Home?” (poetry), Cicada Magazine, March/April 2014.
“Brothers” (poetry), Cicada Magazine, July/August 2014.
“Expecting Rain” (poetry), The Louisville Review, fall 2014.
“Not Just a Headache” (personal essay), Teen Ink National Print Magazine, Nonfiction Contest Winner, April 2014.
“Stuck” (nonfiction), Teen Ink print magazine, April 2014.
“Faith Matters” (fiction) & “Not Just a Headache” (personal essay), Teen Ink Editor’s Choice Award, November 2013.
“Expecting Rain” (poetry), Teen Ink online, November 2013.
“Brothers”, “Expecting Rain” & “Coming Home” (poetry), Canvas Literary Magazine, spring 2014.
“The Man,” Miracle-e-zine, spring 2014.
“Never Alone” (fiction), The Cuckoo Quarterly, spring 2014.
Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (short story & two in flash fiction), 2014.
Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (personal essay & three in poetry), 2014.
“Not Just a Headache” (personal essay), “Expecting Rain” (poetry), “Faith Answers” (fiction) & “The Beauty Between” (photography), BRICKrhetoic Literary & Visual Arts Journal, January 2014.
“Stuck” (personal essay) & “Coming Home?” (poetry), BRICKrhetoic Literary & Visual Arts Journal, May 2014.
“Not Just a Headache” (personal essay), The Young Wanderer Magazine, December 2013.
“Passing By,” Flip the Page: Central Ohio’s Teen Literary Journal, spring 2014.
Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key (personal essay), 2013.
“The Outsiders” (fiction) NJCTE Online National Fiction Gallery, 2012.
Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (short story), 2012.
Michael Lee
NJCTE Bronze Medal (poetry), 2015.
Claudia Lu
Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (critical essay), 2015.
Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (personal essay), 2015.
Letters about Literature Contest Honorable Mention, 2014.
“In the Dark,” BRICKrhetoric Literary & Visual Arts Journal, December 2013.
Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (personal essay), 2013.
“Mission” (poetry), All the Poems Fit to Print, 3rd Place, October 2012.
Rider University High School Contest, 3rd Place (nonfiction), 2013.
Alicja Madloch
“Just Another Poem About Writing” (poetry), Live Poets Society of New Jersey, summer 2015.
“my vantage point”, “Consider This a Tribute” & “there happen to be things i’ve observed” (poetry), Canvas Literary Journal, winter 2015.
“Consider This a Tribute” (poetry), Creative Communications Anthology, 2015.
“Consequently” (poetry), Cuckoo Quarterly: A Literary Magazine by Young Writers, fall 2014.
“Speech Like Glitter” (poetry), The Apprentice Writer, fall 2014.
“Hipsters” (poetry), Vademecum Magazine, fall 2014.
“Postmortem” (poetry), Canvas Literary Magazine, summer 2014.
“About Sleepless Nights” (poetry), Black Fox Literary Magazine, fall 2014.
“Speech Like Glitter” (poetry), Pomona Valley Review, May 2014.
“What Happens When I See You” & “About Me” (poetry), BRICKrhetoric Literary & Visual Arts Journal, May 2014.
“Speech Like Glitter” (poetry), Almost 5/Q blog, July 2014.
“To Love a Photographer” (poetry) & “Intertwined” (photography), Teen Ink online, May 2013.
Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (poetry), 2013
NaNoWriMo Certificate (novel), November 2012.
Haley Mudrick
Governor’s Award in Arts Education (creative nonfiction), May 2015.
NJCTE Gold Medal (creative nonfiction), April 2015.
Letters about Literature Contest Distinguished Honors, 2015.
“Synesthesia” (poetry), Live Poets Society of New Jersey, spring 2015.
Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (poetry), 2015.
NJCTE Merit Award (personal essay), 2014.
Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (personal essay), 2014.
“Every October After” (poetry), Teen Ink online, December 2013.
Abraham Ratner
Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mentions (personal essay, humor & two in poetry), 2013.
Mollie Wohlforth
“Golden Oldie” (poetry), Cuckoo Quarterly, spring 2015.
“Unembellished We” (poetry), Polyphony H.S., spring 2015.
“Lipstick Medals” (poetry), Live Poets Society of New Jersey, spring 2015.
“Unembellished We” (poetry), Almost 5/Q blog, spring 2015.
“Snow Day, Revisited” (poetry), Canvas Literary Journal, winter 2015.
“Dry Feet” (poetry), BRICKrhetoric Literary & Visual Arts Journal, May 2014.