
Laura Boyman

Honorable Mention, Letters about Literature Contest. (One of 14 Level III honorable mentions selected from about 2,000 entries). Awards ceremony: May 14, 2013 at Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, N.J.

Johnny Capobianco

Honorable Mention, Letters about Literature Contest. (One of 14 Level III honorable mentions selected from about 2,000 entries). Awards ceremony: May 14, 2013 at Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, N.J.

Courtney Cooperman

“Seven Decades Later a Holocaust Survivor Meets her Liberator” (journalism), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2015.

“Detached But Far From Indifferent” (personal essay), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2015.

“Preserved Forever, Produced Effortlessly” (personal essay/memoir), Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key, 2014.

“You Are What You Eat” (journalism), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2014.

“Just by Sitting in One Little Seat,” “Three Birds” & “Sh’ma,” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2014.

Mark Dempsey

“Pull” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2016.

“The Benlomond” (dramatic script), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2016.

Maggie DeNoon

“Family History” (personal essay/memoir), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2016.

“What the Frack?” (dramatic script), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2016.

Ben Goodman

Science fiction, Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2013.

Emma Hoffman

“The Rubens Beauty” (personal essay/memoir), Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key, 2016.

“Donalbain and The Irish Limbo” (dramatic script), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2016.

“An Otello of a Different Color at the Met” (journalism), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2016.

“Nocturne For a Pair of Nightingales” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key, 2016.

May Day” (short story), Polyphony H.S., Fall 2015.

“Donalbain and the Irish Limbo” (one-act play), Canvas Literary Journal, July 2015.

“Magdalena” (short story), Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key, 2015.

“May Day” (short story) Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2015.

“Cafe Americano” (flash fiction), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2015.

“Cathedrals” & “David and Jonathan” (poetry) Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Keys, 2015.

“Liebestod” (short story), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2015.

“Cathedrals” (poetry), The Louisville Review, September 2015.

Dell’uva” (historical fiction), 5/Q blog, January 17, 2014.

“Hannah Szenes” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key, 2014.

Short story, Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key, 2013.

Claudia Hyman

“My Brother” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2014.

My Brother” (poetry) &“Strangers” (fiction), Teen Ink online magazine, November 2013.

Olimpia Kane

Short story, Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2013.

Honorable Mention, Letters about Literature Contest. (One of 14 Level III honorable mentions selected from about 2,000 entries). Awards ceremony: May 14, 2013 at Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, N.J.

James Marcucci

The Long Harvest (novel writing), Scholastic Writing Awards National Gold Medal, 2016.

“Broken Men and Useless Things” (flash fiction), Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key, 2016.

Kenyon Review Young Writers Workshop, summer 2015.

“Old Wounds” (science fiction/fantasy), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2015.

“On the Topic of Brothers” (personal essay/memoir), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2014.

The Quiet” (poetry), TeenInk online, spring 2014

Joshua Martin

“Clair de Lune” (short story), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2016.

“Tinted Window: Two Poems” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2016.

“To Build a Church” (short story), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2016.

“Pick a Chick Wayne” (one act play), finalist, New Jersey Playwrights Theatre 32nd Annual Young Playwrights Contest, 2015.

Mauranda Men

“Skew Data” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Writing Awards Silver Key, 2015.

“Incomprehension” (poetry), Almost 5/Q blog, August 15, 2014.

“Wavelength,” “Infinity” & “Brainchildren” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2014.

Elizabeth Merrigan

“Archipelago,” “Man of the Valley,” “Turbulence,” “Watermelons” & “In the Wallpaper” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards National Silver Medal & Gold Key, 2016.

“The Art of Losing” (personal essay/memoir), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2016.

“Visionb” (writing portfolio), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2016.

School Bus” (poetry), Claremont Review, fall 2015.

“The Art of Losing” (personal essay), NCTE Achievement Award for Superior Writing, spring 2015.

Distinguished Honors, Letters about Literature Contest. One of 43 letters selected from about 2,000 entries. Award ceremony, May 2015, Grounds for Sculpture, Hamilton, N.J.

“The Art of Losing” (personal essay), Newark Academy Outreach Alumni magazine, print edition, spring 2015.

“7-11 Funeral” (short story) Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2015.

“Symmetry Girl” (personal essay), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2015.

“Symphony for the Lost” (poetry), The Apprentice Writer: The Literary Magazine of Susquehanna University, Vol. 32, fall 2014.

“Posture” (poetry), Rider University 34th Annual High School Writing Contest, Honorable Mention, May 2014.

“Closing” (poetry), Cicada Magazine, March/April 2014.

Misdirection” (fiction), 2nd place, Writer’s Slate annual writing contest sponsored by The Writing Conference, Inc.; April 2014 edition, Volume 29, Issue 3.

“Posture” & “Closing” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key, 2014.

What the Moon Told Me” & “Here I Am” (poetry), Teen Ink national print magazine, summer 2013.

Truman Ruberti

Short story, Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2013.

Valery Tarco

Daughters Become Their Mothers Become Their Daughter” (poetry), NJCTE Bronze Medal, 2016.

“Daughters Become Their Mothers Become Their Daughter” (poetry), Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention, 2016.

Hannah Tarnow

The Game” (poetry), TeenInk online, November 2013.