
Ahlia Bethea

“Forgetting” (personal essay), SUN Magazine “Readers Write”, September 2012.

Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (personal essay), 2012.

Distinguishable” (personal essay), Teen Ink Editor’s Choice Award, February 2012.

Concerto” & “Advertisements for the 21st Century Life” (poetry), Teen Ink, February 2012.

Emily Diehl

“Abuela: A Villanelle” (poetry), Cicada Magazine, March/April 2013.

Kat Fuzesi

Five pieces (fiction), TeenInk.com, spring 2011.

A Song of Silence” (essay), TeenInk.com, December 2011.

Zoe Huber-Weiss

On Love and Pepto-Bismol” (essay), NJCTE Online National Essay Gallery, 2012.

Letters to Mama” (fiction), NJCTE Online National Fiction Gallery, 2012.

Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mentions (personal essay & dramatic script), 2012.

Nicole Jones

Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Keys (senior portfolio & short story), 2013.

Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (poetry), 2013.

Psoriasis” (poetry), NJCTE Online National Poetry Gallery, 2011.

Alex Liao

“My Small Hands” (poetry), Cicada Magazine, January 2012.

Harry McCarthy

Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (poetry), 2013.

Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (flash fiction), 2013.

Rider University High School Writing Contest, 2nd Place (poetry), 2013.

Alyssa McPherson

The Womanifesto (editor), summer 2015.

NJCTE Gold Medals (poetry & personal essay), 2013.

Governor’s Award in Arts Education, 2013.

Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Keys (dramatic script, short story, flash fiction & two in poetry), 2013.

Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Keys (fantasy, dramatic script & senior portfolio), 2013.

Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mentions (personal essay & flash fiction), 2013.

Rider University High School Writing Contest, 1st Place (fiction), 2013.

“The Painter’s Wife” (poetry), All the Poems Fit to Print, 1st Place, October 2012.

Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (poetry), 2012.

Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (dramatic script), 2012.

“A Twisted Sense of Beautiful,” Cicada Magazine, September/October 2011.

I See You There” (personal essay), NCTE National Gallery of Writing, November 2011.

Annabel Sharahy

Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mention (poetry), 2012.

Memoir #67” (poetry), TeenInk print magazine, Poetry Contest Winner, February 2012.

To Both of You” (poetry), NJCTE Online National Poetry Gallery, 2011.

Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Keys (short story & poetry), 2011.

Five pieces (fiction, nonfiction & poetry), TeenInk.com, spring 2011.

“Play Date” (poetry), Acclaimed: Poetry Collection, The America Library of Poetry, 2011.

Katherine Steffens

Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Key (poetry), 2013.

Carley Stein

Happy Cows, Healthy Fish” (article), Cornell University Small Farm Quarterly, Fall 2012.

Elizabeth Vogel

The Transubstantiation of Peonies” & “Losing Touch” (flash fiction), The Apprentice Writer, September 2013.

Scholastic Writing Awards Gold Key (poetry), 2013.

Scholastic Writing Awards Silver Keys (flash fiction & senior portfolio), 2013.

Scholastic Writing Awards Honorable Mentions (personal essay & flash fiction), 2013.

Rider University High School Writing Contest, Honorable Mention (nonfiction), 2013.

Why We Write,TeenInk Print Magazine, January 2012; TeenInk online, front page of the Poetry Section, October 2012.

NJCTE Certificate of Merit Award, 2011.

“To My Other” (essay), NJCTE Online National Essay Gallery, 2011.

A tribute to “Dolls in a Dolmen” by Josh Boyd” (poetry), NJCTE Online National Poetry Gallery, 2011.